Tany's Dell Primary School

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Year 3


Welcome to Jade and Emerald Class. We are very excited about the year ahead.

The class teachers are Mrs Wakelin in Jade Class and Mr Tew in Emerald Class.

We are supported by Mrs Etienne & Mrs Berger.


Information for Year 3 parents

Jade Class have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Emerald Class have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure that all earrings are removed on your child's PE day. If your child is unable to remove them, they will sadly miss their PE lesson due to the Essex policy on earrings. Please can you also make sure that they have a full outdoor kit and that their clothes are labelled.

Reading books will be changed on a Monday for Jade Class and Tuesday for Emerald Class. Library books need to be returned on a Monday to enable your child to take a new one out on a Wednesday if in Emerald Class and Thursday if in Jade Class. All books, including the Reading Diary, should be kept in their zippy wallet and in school every day.

As well as reading to an adult we encourage children in Year 3 to read for pleasure so they don’t have to always read to you. Please continue to ask them lots of questions, about the text, to check that they understand what they are reading and record their reading in their diary.

Home Learning activity sheets will be sent home half termly, with lots of activities linked to our topics in class and enhance their learning. Each week children are expected to read daily for 20 minutes as well as  TTRockstars.